body lift cbd

The hard slog is over, you thought the race had been won, but the finish line is just beyond your reach. You have changed your lifestyle to create a healthier, fitter, stronger new you. Unfortunately in some, excess skin around the tummy, hips, buttocks, arms and outer thighs is the result of a great deal of hard work, but limiting the final outcome. The good news is, although your skin has lost elasticity doesn’t mean that you can’t bounce back.

What is a Body lift?

The team at Pure Aesthetics are experts in surgery after weight loss, including the main procedure, known as a “Circumferential Belt Lipectomy”, otherwise known as a ‘Body Lift’. We consult our patients in a convenient and central Sydney CBD location to fully explain this major surgery.

During this procedure, which is done in one of our surgeons’ hospitals, the excess, loose skin is surgically lifted and removed, resulting in a radically improved body contour, increased comfort and ability to fit into clothes more easily.

Body lift is often combined with other procedures such as a breast reduction or lift, arm reduction and thigh reduction, although these may need to be done as a series of operations over an extended period, to allow you to heal well between each surgery.

What are the risks?

Alongside standard risk associated with all surgical procedures, such as scarring, bruising, possible infection and pain, the below risks are specific to the Body Lift:

  • Lack of symmetry of the abdominal region as well as altered sensation, numbness or pain.
  • Malposition of the umbilicus (navel).
  • Bulges at the ends of the wound (otherwise known as ‘Dog Ears’).
  • Poor scarring & healing.
  • Elevation of pubic hair.

It is however, important to note that every client is unique and not all of the above may occur in every situation. These issues will be clearly addressed in your pre-surgery consultations and specific expectations will be highlighted and discussed between the patient and their plastic surgeon prior to the surgery taking place.

What happens afterward?

Although recovery can take several months, patients can expect to be mobile fairly soon after their short hospital stay. Heavy lifting and certain vigorous activities are taboo for the short term while recovery takes place and it is very normal to experience swelling, bruising and pain which can be controlled by the use of prescribed pain medication.

Support garments are worn initially to help reduce swelling, though can be removed when advised by your Pure Aesthetics Plastic Surgeon.

Can the result be maintained?

Absolutely. Granted a healthy diet and regular exercise is carried out once you have fully recovered, there is nothing to stop the surgery having lasting effects.

What kind of results can I expect?

A picture is worth a thousand words, so here are a few to help explain the transformation that awaits.

For more information about surgery after weight loss, or any other plastic surgery procedure, please call us on (02) 9199 7448.

We look forward to being a part of your transformation journey.