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The Rise of Male Plastic Surgery: Trends and Procedures for Men

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The Rise of Male Plastic Surgery: Trends and Procedures for Men

Male Plastic Surgery

There was a time that plastic surgery was more common for women than for men. Over the years this has been changing Today, plastic surgery is becoming more popular among men—after all, they want to also maintain their looks and have issues they want to correct. There are many male plastic surgery options available for all parts of the body. In this article we look at a few. Common Types of Male Plastic Surgery Men may consider plastic surgery for many reasons. From correcting facial abnormalities to wanting a nose ...
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Men’s Gynecomastia Surgery: What to Know and What to Ask

gynecomastia surgery

Understanding gynecomastia is essential to knowing whether it needs treatment or not. Often called “man boobs”, gynecomastia is a common problem that can develop during the teenage years. It usually disappears as an adult. It is not life threatening and adult men can develop it which may impact their self-esteem. Gynecomastia is when the breast tissue grows larger than normal and the tissue around the nipple starts to feel rubbery and spread across your chest. This tissue can be painful or tender to touch. Changes to your breasts may be ...
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Male Breast Reduction: The Top Treatment for Gynecomastia Explained

Gynecomastia surgery Sydney

Gynecomastia surgery is a type of surgery to reduce the size of a man’s breasts. Men can have enlarged breast tissue (gynecomastia) which may occur hormonal effects during puberty, excess weight or side effects of some drugs, both pharmaceutical and recreational. It can also affect you as you get older when your hormone levels change which can leave you with sagging breasts and a stretched areola. You may choose the procedure to enhance your appearance or to reduce any discomfort, pain or embarrassment that excessive breast tissue can cause. To ...
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Gynecomastia Surgery Guide: Procedure, Preparation, and Recovery


Gynecomastia is a condition wherein men develop breast tissues due to genetic predisposition, hormonal changes, weight gains, or certain medications. While gynecomastia isn’t dangerous, it can cause self-consciousness and emotional problems. Men with gynecomastia often avoid situations that involve disrobing, such as going to beaches or physical intimacy with a partner, which can affect their overall quality of life. This article describes how gynecomastia surgery, also known as reduction mammaplasty, can help you achieve a chiseled chest. What is gynecomastia surgery? Gynecomastia surgery, also known as reduction mammaplasty, is a ...
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Excessive Sweating: How is it Caused and What Can I Do?

What Can I do About Excessive Sweating? Excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis to use the technical medical term, is a problem for many people. There are two different types of hyperhidrosis, focal and generalized, depending on where the excessive sweating occurs on your body. If you suffer from this condition then you produce more than normal amounts of sweat. This can cause embarrassment, contribute to a stronger body odor, stain clothing, lower your self esteem and confidence, and cause many other problems in your life. What can you do about it ...
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Plastic Surgery For Men: A Love/Hate Relationship?

Male cosmetic plastic surgery trends show that plastic surgery for men is on the rise as more males pay attention to their appearance and make an effort to slow down the aging process or look better in some ways. According to an interview that one plastic surgeon in Manhattan, New York gave to Business Insider magazine “Over the last three to five years, there’s been a huge boom in plastic surgery for men. Many of our patients now are male. It’s a very big misconception that all patients are women.” ...
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All About Male Breast Reduction

If you are a male adult and are struggling with having breasts, just remember you are not alone. Many men struggle with a medical condition known as gynaecomastia. This is something you are born with, that causes an enlargement of the breast tissues in males. It usually starts occurring during puberty, where you develop small breasts. If you want to get them reduced, you can do so with a breast reduction surgery. For all intents and purposes, it is very similar to a breast reduction surgery performed on women. Gynecomastia ...
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What Cosmetic Procedures and Plastic Surgery Options are Available for Men?

Cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery are no longer just for women, today many men also take advantage of these options in order to look and feel better as well. According to Sydney plastic surgeon Dr Steve Merten cosmetic surgeries on men has increased dramatically in the last decade, and today many men consider plastic surgery or minimally invasive cosmetic procedures to boost self esteem and look better at any age. Today men are far less hesitant about consulting a plastic surgeon. If you are a man who has concerns with ...
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Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Procedures for Men on the Rise!

A decade ago a trip to the plastic surgeon, for a nip here and a tuck there, was almost exclusively only taken by women, but more and more men are following suit, signing up for procedures to look better and boost their confidence. They are not hiding the fact either, with  recent figures from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery showing that since 1997 there has been a 106% increase in cosmetic surgery procedures performed on men in the US. The 2012 figures show that Rhinoplasty and Eyelid Surgery ...
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Do I Need Breast Reduction Surgery?


During your initial visit with the Dr Merten you will have a complete physical exam, and a full medical history will be taken. Plastic Surgeon in Sydney, Dr Steve Merten advises that any potential breast reduction patient should be aware of the possible risks and complications that could occur when this type of plastic surgery procedure, even though these are usually rare and only occur in a small percentage of patients. Who Can Benefit From Breast Reduction Surgery? Breast reduction surgery can offer a number of benefits for certain individuals. ...
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