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Excessive Sweating: How is it Caused and What Can I Do?

Blog – Excessive Sweating

Excessive Sweating: How is it Caused and What Can I Do?

What Can I do About Excessive Sweating? Excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis to use the technical medical term, is a problem for many people. There are two different types of hyperhidrosis, focal and generalized, depending on where the excessive sweating occurs on your body. If you suffer from this condition then you produce more than normal amounts of sweat. This can cause embarrassment, contribute to a stronger body odor, stain clothing, lower your self esteem and confidence, and cause many other problems in your life. What can you do about it ...
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Plastic Surgery For Men: A Love/Hate Relationship?

Male cosmetic plastic surgery trends show that plastic surgery for men is on the rise as more males pay attention to their appearance and make an effort to slow down the aging process or look better in some ways. According to an interview that one plastic surgeon in Manhattan, New York gave to Business Insider magazine “Over the last three to five years, there’s been a huge boom in plastic surgery for men. Many of our patients now are male. It’s a very big misconception that all patients are women.” ...
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