Gynecomastia is a condition wherein men develop breast tissues due to genetic predisposition, hormonal changes, weight gains, or certain medications. While gynecomastia isn’t dangerous, it can cause self-consciousness and emotional problems. Men with gynecomastia often avoid situations that involve disrobing, such as going to beaches or physical intimacy with a partner, which can affect their overall quality of life.

This article describes how gynecomastia surgery, also known as reduction mammaplasty, can help you achieve a chiseled chest.

What is gynecomastia surgery?

Gynecomastia surgery, also known as reduction mammaplasty, is a procedure that reduces the breast size in men, helping them achieve a flattened chest. The procedure involves removing excess skin and breast tissues to provide the contours of a masculine chest. In some cases, the procedure may also involve repositioning and resizing the areolas if they’re stretched or sagging.

How do I prepare for gynecomastia surgery?

The following is an overview of essential preparatory steps before your gynecomastia surgery:

  • You should undergo a thorough medical evaluation to gauge your overall health. The surgeon will review the medical tests to determine if you’re a suitable candidate.
  • You must be completely honest and transparent with your surgeon about your current medications, drug usage, alcohol consumption, and smoking habits. The surgeon may ask you to avoid certain medications and take other medicines instead.
  • Avoid anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements for a few weeks before the procedure.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption for a few weeks before the procedure to minimize bleeding.

Your plastic surgeon will provide a comprehensive list of preparatory guidelines. As such, you must schedule your appointment several weeks before you plan to undergo surgery. If you don’t follow the surgeon’s guidelines, you increase your risk of post-treatment bleeding, infections, and bruising.

Schedule a consultation with our specialist plastic surgeon here.

What are the steps involved in gynecomastia surgery?

Each gynecomastia surgery is uniquely designed according to your specific goals and needs. The plastic surgeon will discuss every step of the procedure and the techniques used during your consultation.

The following is an overview of the primary steps involved in a typical gynecomastia surgery:

  • Anesthesia: The surgeon provides local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia, depending on the surgical technique and your comfort level. Local anesthesia and sedation numb the targeted areas and alleviate anxieties while general anesthesia puts you to sleep.
  • Liposuction: The surgeon will perform liposuction if your male breasts are the result of excess fat tissues. This involves inserting a cannula into the chest via small incisions, moving it back and forth to loosen the fat tissues, and suctioning the unwanted fat out of your body.
  • Excision: The surgeon will perform the excision technique if you have excess glandular breast tissues and skin. This involves trimming excess skin tissues, removing excess breast tissues, and potentially repositioning the nipples according to natural male contours.
  • Closing: After liposuction or excision, the surgeon will close the incisions with sutures.

Key to a successful procedure is choosing the right specialist plastic surgeon. View our Cosmetic Surgery Checklist.

What’s the recovery process like after gynecomastia surgery?

You’ll experience post-treatment swelling, puffiness, and bruising for a few days or weeks. The puffiness should recede gradually in 6 weeks. However, you can speed up the recovery process by wearing compression garments with foam padding for 6 weeks. This will facilitate healing and prevent the reformation of breast tissues in the area.

You can resume most of your daily activities and work a few days after the gynecomastia surgery. However, you should avoid strenuous workouts and heavy lifting for at least 6 weeks. Please consult your plastic surgeon whenever you increase your activity levels.

What are the potential risks and complications of gynecomastia surgery?

Gynecomastia surgery is safe, especially when performed by a licensed and reliable surgeon, but it involves the same risks as all surgeries. You may experience infections, scarring, allergic reactions to anesthesia, bleeding, hematoma formation, and deep vein thrombosis.

Furthermore, the specific risks of male breast reduction include breast asymmetry, undesired cosmetic results, nipple sensation problems, and nipple necrosis (death of tissues).

If you notice the signs or symptoms of the potential risks and complications please contact your plastic surgeon immediately. You must also find a talented plastic surgeon with a stellar track record for the procedure — that’s the best way to avoid the aforementioned risks and complications.

Schedule a consultation with our specialist plastic surgeon here.