Facelift Without Surger Sydney


Getting older is not much fun when you start developing wrinkles and lines on your face. As you age, your skin may start to sag and lose elasticity, and there are other issues you want to correct. But you do not want to have surgery. The good news is that no longer do you need to have facelift surgery to get some improvements in your facial concerns.

Non-surgical techniques can help you achieve natural results without spending the time and money of surgical solutions. While these techniques rejuvenate your face so you look younger, they do not have the same effectiveness and results. A surgical facelift can achieve dramatic results but this is not what everyone wants.

What is the difference between non-surgical and surgical facelifts?

To highlight the key differences between non-surgical and surgical facelifts, non-surgical techniques are less invasive and a lot more affordable. There is little recovery period and you can go back to work and social activities soon after receiving treatment. Non-surgical facelifts do not leave scars as there are no incisions and you do not need a general anaesthetic so there are fewer risks and safety considerations.

It takes less than an hour for one of the Pure Aesthetics’ cosmetic physician, Dr Noela Ferch, to complete your nonsurgical facelift Sydney.

Common non-surgical alternatives for facelift  

You can target sagging skin, wrinkles, fine lines, deep creases, the tone and texture of your skin, and loss of volume using different non-surgical techniques. What procedure is right for you will depend on what part of your face you want to change and your skin type. A specialist plastic surgeon will go through all the options during your consultation so decision-making can be easier once you have all the relevant information.

Following are some the non-surgical options that may be appropriate for the area you want to improve.

Dermal fillers reduce wrinkles and increase facial volume

As you get older, the elastin and collagen your body produces reduces which weakens your skin’s connective tissues. This can result in making you look older than you wish.

Dermal fillers are also known as an injectable facelift that use gel-like substances such as hyaluronic acid that are injected under your skin. They work to smooth fine lines and wrinkles, and help to reduce sagging skin around your eyes, forehead and mouth. Dermal fillers are also effective for eliminating dark circles under the eyes and to plump up the appearance of your lips. Overall they rejuvenate your face for a more youthful appearance.

The affects of dermal fillers can last between six and 12 months and you may need further treatment to maintain the results.

Ultherapy is an option for skin tightening

Ultherapy is a non-surgical option for skin tightening. It uses the energy of ultrasound to trigger your body’s natural regenerative process so it produces more elastin and collagen. These are the proteins that work to make you look younger.

The heat from the ultrasound penetrates deeply into the layers of skin around your face, neck and chin area. As you produce new collagen, it lifts and tightens the skin. The result is that you will continue to see improvements for up to six months.

There is no recovery time so you can go about your daily activities as normal after the procedure. The only visible sign of the treatment is a slight puffiness on the day.

The results are temporary lasting for up to 12 months.

Laser resurfacing improves skin tone

While laser resurfacing can improve skin texture and tone. It is also effective for reducing wrinkles and fine lines.

There are two types of lasers used for laser resurfacing—non-ablative and ablative lasers:

  1. Non-ablative lasers:

    There are different types of non-ablative lasers such as fractional, pulsed-dye and pulsed light lasers. These do not remove any layers of skin and target acne skin issues, rosacea and spider veins.

  2. Ablative lasers:

    Ablative lasers remove the top layers of skin and use either Erbium or carbon dioxide (CO2). When you want to treat finer lines and wrinkles, and other superficial skin issues, your experienced professional will use an Erbium Laser. But to remove deep wrinkles, warts and scars, they will use a CO2 laser.

You can leave your doctor’s office as soon as they complete the procedure. But there will be some recovery time to ensure that your skin heals properly. The larger the areas treated, the more recovery time you will need. It can take anywhere from three to 10 days to heal. While you can mostly go about your normal daily activities, you need to avoid activities where there is a known risk of germs such as the local swimming pool or the gym. This will reduce the risk of infection.

What are the longevity of results for non-surgical facelifts?

The results from a non-surgical facelift are temporary. How long the results last depends on what treatment you have and they are different for everyone. For example, dermal fillers may last for up to 12 months or more and wrinkle injections for three to four months.

If you are considering a facelift and would prefer to use a non-surgical method, book a consultation with Pure Aesthetics. During your consultation, our cosmetic physician, Dr Noela Ferch, will give you all the options for the best outcome so you can make a fully informed decision.