Nipple and Areola Makeover Sydney

If you are concerned with how your nipples or areolas look, this can cause you stress and other issues. This is understandable. They are central features of your breasts whether you are a female or male. Luckily, there are surgical procedures that can help you achieve the results you want. Whether it is to correct inverted nipples, reduce the size of your nipples or areolas, a specialist plastic surgeon can let you know the best options and whether you are a good candidate for enhancement.

Who are Good Candidates for Nipple Correction Surgery

Good candidates for nipple and areola surgery include:

  • Discontentment with how your nipples and areolas look, such as excessively large areolae or nipples
  • Men with enlarged breasts (Gynaecomastia)
  • Not having any diseases or infections that affect your breasts
  • Generally being in good mental and physical health
  • Not being a smoker or able to stop smoking a few months before and after the surgery
  • Being willing to follow your specialist plastic surgeon’s advice and instructions
  • Having realistic expectations about the outcome of the surgery
  • Sufficient time available for recovery.

Nipple and Areola Procedures

When you are concerned with the appearance of your nipples and/or areolas, find out your options but choose your surgeon carefully. By choosing the right surgeon, someone qualified as a specialist plastic surgeon, you will be seeing a qualified, specialist surgeon. Keep in mind any doctor can call themselves a “cosmetic surgeon”. They do not have to do any extra training. Only a doctor who has done years of extra training in plastic surgery earns the right to call themselves a specialist plastic surgeon.

Here is an explanation of the various cosmetic procedures available for nipple and areola enhancement, including nipple reduction, correction of inverted nipples and areola reduction.

Nipple Reduction

You may want a nipple reduction if your nipples are overly large (called hypertrophic nipples) or if they are hanging and point downwards. This may occur after breastfeeding or as a part of your natural development and may appear unsightly or overly obvious under your clothing. They can also cause irritation and chafing from rubbing against your clothes, causing constant discomfort.

Procedure details for a nipple reduction will depend on how much you want the size reduced by and the anatomy of the nipple. There are many techniques your surgeon can use to make you nipples more attractive.

Nipple reduction is normally done under local anaesthetic as day surgery and you can go home afterwards and there is minimal recovery time. This surgery is suitable for both women and men.

Areola Reduction

Your areolas are the dark pigmented skin surrounding your nipples. Everyone has different sized, shape and colour areolas which is perfectly normal. If you are not happy with the size of your areolas, it possible to have areola reduction surgery.

There are a number of reasons to want to reduce the size of your areolas. Mostly it is to make them more attractive or to return them to the size they were before pregnancy, ageing or gaining weight. The size of your areolas is usually genetic but the size can increase as you get older and the skin sags as it loses elasticity.

Surgery is relatively simple and is usually done as day surgery and takes between one and two hours. Your surgeon makes an incision around the nipple and removes some of the dark pigmented skin and then closes the incision with dissolving sutures. There will be minimal scarring that will fade in time.

The recovery time will vary for individuals but you should be able to return to most of  your light normal activities within three to five days. Avoid strenuous activities for up to six weeks. You will receive post-operative instructions so make sure you follow them to get the best outcome.

Correcting Inverted Nipples

Inverted nipples are usually congenital but can develop during your teenage years or as an adult, Although this does not normally cause health issues, it can affect your emotional wellbeing. It can also prevent breastfeeding and may even cause problems with intimacy.

There are three grades of nipple inversion that ranges from mild to severe:

  1. Grade 1. Grade 1 is the least severe type of nipple inversion. This is where you can manipulate your nipples so they protrude.
  2. Grade 2. Grade 2 is a moderate form of nipple inversion where with suction or manipulation they can temporarily protrude.
  3. Grade 3. Grade 3 is the more severe form and stays buried in the areola. This form of nipple inversion requires nipple surgery to release the underlying tissues.

Normally nipple inversion surgery is done as day surgery and takes less than an hour and can achieve results that are long lasting.

Recovery depends on the individual but generally you can start your normal daily activities again after two days but the swelling may take a couple of weeks to subside.

Inversion surgery is suitable for both women and men.

Benefits and Outcomes

The outcome from nipple and areola surgery has many potential benefits, including:

  • Where you had concerns about the symmetry, surgery may achieve a more balanced look.
  • Adding nipples and areolas where there are none during breast reconstruction surgery after a mastectomy.
  • Pointy nipples after inverted nipple correction.
  • Improved overall appearance to your breasts.
  • Reducing the size of nipples and areolas as part of treatment for enlarged male breasts (Gynaecomastia).

To achieve your goals, it is recommended to have a consultation with a specialist plastic surgeon. They will discuss your goals and options in depth, and let you know if you are a good candidate for the surgery. Your surgeon will also let you know of the risks and possible complications so you can make an informed decision.

Pure Aesthetics has specialist plastic surgeons experienced in nipple and areola techniques. Contact us to book an initial consultation today and discover if you are a good candidate for surgery.