Finding your perfect implant for breast augmentation surgery

When thinking about breast augmentation it is important to make good choices. You may feel anxious and excited at the same time because you do not know which implant is right for you. This is understandable and that is why consulting a specialist plastic surgeon is your first wise choice.

Consult a AHPRA Qualified Specialist Plastic Surgeon

It is legal in Australia for any doctor with a basic medical degree to do cosmetic surgery. Doctors calling themselves cosmetic surgeons do not do extra training. This is why the importance of consulting an AHPRA-certified specialist plastic surgeon cannot be stated highly enough. They complete many years of  extra training after finishing their medical degrees and receive accreditation through the Australian Medical Council.

All qualified specialist plastic surgeons have Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Fellowship (FRACS) certification and are members of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Beware of cosmetic surgeons implying they are specialists in surgery. While they may have a certificate from the Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery, the Medical Board of Australia does not recognise this training. This can be misleading so it is important to ask the right questions.

What Breast Augmentation is and its Goals

Breast augmentation is surgery to enlarge your breasts using implants.

Implants can:

  • Make your breasts bigger and fullerto achieve your cosmetic goals and balance your body proportions.
  • Rebuild breast volume after losing weight or breastfeeding.
  • Make asymmetric breasts look even
  • Restore your breasts through surgery after an injury or mastectomy

The size and type of the implant you have will depend on several things such as the thickness of your skin and its elasticity, how big you want your breasts to be, body type and breast anatomy.

Choosing Breast Implants

When choosing the right breast implants, consider your lifestyle, body type and breast size. You also need to choose the type, shape and size. Choose wisely as you will have to live with them for many year, so you want to get it right.

Silicone and Saline Implants

Silicone and saline implants both have a silicone outer shell filled with either saline or silicone.

Silicone Gel Implants

Silicone implants but come filled with silicone gel. This type of implant is the one that most closely resembles the feel and appearance of your natural breasts. They come in a range of sizes and in different shapes. They are also less likely to ripple or wrinkle. These are by far the most commonly used implants in Australia.

Saline Implants

Your specialist plastic surgeon inserts saline implants while they are empty and adds the saline to fill it to the size you want once it is in place.

One of the issues with saline implants is that they can spontaneously deflate or rupture. While leaking saline will not affect your health, it can be embarrassing. Also, saline implants are more likely to look rippled or wrinkled.

Saline implants are available in Australia but are rarely used because silicone implants give a more natural result.

Implant Sizes and Shapes

Breast implants come in a range of sizes. The size of the implant will depend on the outcome you want, Your specialist plastic surgeon will give you advice about the best size to achieve good results.

Implants also come in two shapes:

  1. Teardrop implants can give your breasts a more natural shape. They are fuller at the bottom and taper off at the top. You may choose teardrop implants if you want a more subtle or natural appearance.
  2. Round implants produce a fuller effect to give you more cleavage. They add more volume to both the upper and lower parts of your breasts. You may choose round implants if you want fuller breasts..

Over or Under the Muscle

Implants are either placed over the muscle (sub glandular) or under the muscle (submuscular).

Over the Muscle

If you have a fair amount of soft breast tissue in your cleavage area, placing the implant over the pectoral muscle and under the breast tissue can be a good option. When you naturally have more breast tissue, there is more coverage and the result is a rounded, more pronounced look.

Under the Muscle 

If you have smaller breasts, then placing the implants under the muscle can give a good result that appears to be more natural. By placing the implants under the pectoral muscle, it gives better coverage. The result is fuller breasts.

During your consultation with Dr Steve Merten at Pure Aesthetics, he will listen to what you want to achieve and then give you options to achieve good results.

Potential Risks Associated with Breast Augmentation

There is always a degree of risk with surgery. Possible potential risks and complications associated with breast augmentation include:

  • Dissatisfaction with the cosmetic result of your surgery
  • Implants moving from the original position
  • Deflated or ruptured implants
  • Capsular contracture which is when scar tissue forms around the implant so it becomes misshapen and hardens
  • Infection
  • Uneven appearance of your breasts
  • An allergic reaction to the anaesthetic, sutures or any other materials used in the surgery
  • Lumpy scar tissue that is itchy and inflamed
  • Deep vein thrombosis
  • Bleeding
  • Skin wrinkling over the implant
  • Numbness that is temporary or permanent ‘
  • Changes in sensation to the nipples or breasts
  • Further surgery to treat any complications.

This is not a complete list and your specialist plastic surgeon will give you the full information before you make a decision.

Recovery and Aftercare Tips

After your breast augmentation, you will receive post-operative instructions. It is important you follow these to enhance your recovery over the next couple of months.

Here are some tips for recovery and aftercare:

  • Wear a surgical bra (provided for you) 24/7 for at least the first six weeks of your recovery, and then comfortable bra support for 3 – 6 months after.
  • Sleep however is comfortable, on you back or sides
  • Do not drive for the first week as moving may be difficult.
  • Organise someone to help around the house and with the children during the first week because you will have limited movement.
  • No exercise for 6 weeks. Walking is ok.
  • Showering over your dressings is ok.

For more information about breast augmentation, contact Pure Aesthetics to book an initial consultation with our certified plastic surgeon to find out what implants are right for you.