If you want a belly that is smooth, flat, and young looking then you are in good company. Many men and women both want an abdomen that is Tummy Tuckattractive, and plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures may be able to help you achieve this. Fat deposits in the abdomen and stomach can be very difficult to eliminate no matter how you diet or how many sit ups and crunches you do each day. While plastic surgery like a tummy tuck or liposuction is not a replacement for good physical fitness and health these procedures can help you get rid of that pouch of fat or the sagging skin that just won’t budge!

What options do I have?

The two most common methods of plastic surgery that address the abdomen is a Tummy Tuck with or without liposuction. Each of these has certain advantages, risks, and drawbacks involved, and one may be the right choice in some cases but not in others. A tummy tuck is also called an Abdominoplasty, is invasive and requires considerable recovery time. Skin from the lower stomach area is removed and the skin on the upper abdomen is stretched and tightened up. The goal is to give you a belly and abdomen that is tighter, flatter, and more attractive. Liposuction can be combined to assist in sculpting the area to achieve smooth contour.

A tummy tuck may be suited if you have skin in the abdominal area that  has been stretched due to pregnancies or excessive weight loss, resulting in stretch marks or skin that hangs or sags down. Sometimes both methods may be used together in order to achieve the desired results. This will depend on what you are hoping to get from the plastic surgery or cosmetic procedures that you choose.

The different types of Tummy Tuck

There are two types of Tummy Tuck; Mini and Traditional

  • Mini tummy tuck: This is ideal for loose skin that is mostly restricted to the lower abdomen and there isn’t much of a need for major muscle tightening. Scarring is shorter and recovery is less than a traditional tummy tuck.
  • Traditional Tummy Tuck: This technique is used for major improvements to skin, fat and muscle. Scar is usually hip-to-hip and requires longer recovery.

If you have concerns about stomach fat, excessive skin, or other cosmetic flaws in your abdominal area then a consultation with a specialist plastic surgeon can help you determine what the available options are. An expert in this area like Sydney Plastic Surgeon Dr Steve Merten can give you a realistic idea of what to expect, and what the typical results can be. Since each person is different you may not get the same results as another patient. The initial consultation with a plastic surgeon can help you evaluate each treatment option and come to a decision about which one is best in your unique situation and circumstances.

If you want to discuss a tummy tuck, liposuction, or any other cosmetic plastic surgery procedures, please call us at Pure Aesthetics on 9252 9262, or Contact Us for an appointment to see our Sydney Plastic Surgeon, Dr Steve Merten.