Horizontal forehead lines, sagging skin in the forehead, drooping eyelids, and sagging eyebrows can make you look older and more unpleasant. Signs of aging on the eyebrows and forehead can give you a perpetual frown, making you seem upset and unapproachable.

A brow lift is the ideal surgical procedure to correct the signs of aging on the forehead and eyebrows. It softens the forehead lines, minimizes sagging, and treats drooping eyelids, making you look alert and youthful. This procedure is often combined with a facelift, but it can also be performed individually.

This article provides an overview of the types of brow lift surgeries, the surgical process, and the post-treatment recovery expectations.

What are the types of brow lifts?

A brow lift can be performed using two techniques — open brow lift and endoscopic brow lift. Both procedures are effective, but they involve different styles of incisions and address different concerns.

The following is an overview of the open and endoscopic brow lift techniques:

  • Open Brow Lift: Also known as the “classic lift,” this technique involves one continuous incision along the hairline, usually starting at your ear’s level. Since the incision is placed along the hairline, the post-treatment scars are imperceptible.
  • Endoscopic Brow Lift: This technique involves small incisions along the hairline. The incisions are used as entry points for an endoscope camera and other surgical tools, allowing the surgeon to make the necessary adjustments without large cuts.

An endoscopic brow lift is the most popular technique for brow lifts because it involves extremely small incisions that remain imperceptible. As such, it involves minimal scarring and downtime.

Both procedures are performed under general anesthesia, so you’re not awake for the procedure.

What’s the recovery process like after a brow lift?

Most patients recover quickly after a brow lift. You’ll experience minimal post-treatment swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which can be managed with over-the-counter medications.

If you undergo an open brow lift, you may need dressings and compression garments to reduce swelling and prevent fluid accumulation. However, if you undergo an endoscopic brow lift, you won’t need dressings and compression garments. You’ll have to apply antibiotic creams to the incisions to prevent infections.

You’ll need to rest at home for one to two days, following which you can gradually resume activities. An open brow lift involves around 7 days of professional downtime, while an endoscopic brow lift allows you to resume work in 2 to 3 days. However, you should avoid strenuous workouts for 6 weeks.

You’ll notice the results after 72 hours, but it takes around 6 weeks for the incision marks to dissipate, and appreciate the results.

Like all surgeries, a brow lift also involves inherent risks: infection, scarring, allergic reactions, pain, bleeding, hematoma, and deep vein thrombosis. However, a reliable plastic surgeon will provide accurate guidelines to avoid these risks.

If you’re considering a brow lift, please consult with a reliable plastic surgeon with a proven track record.