For young mums who have had their first, second, or even third child, the tummy area can be a source of discomfort. Post-pregnancy tummies come in all shapes and sizes, but some women are left with weak muscles and loose skin around their bellies after giving birth. Some women also experience abdominal and back pain after pregnancy due to abdominal muscle separation, a condition called ‘rectus diastasis’. The good news is that a new Medicare-approved tummy tuck procedure (‘abdominoplasty’) will become available for eligible patients on July 1st 2022. The procedure, which is sometimes known as a ‘post pregnancy reconstruction’, may help young mums relieve back and abdominal pain and discomfort and improve abdominal strength, tone, and pelvic floor control. It may also help gain confidence lost post-pregnancy with the improvement in abdominal appearance, tone, and control.

What is a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck, also called an abdominoplasty, is a medical procedure that is designed to repair abdominal muscles and improve the appearance of the abdomen. It involves making an incision above the abdomen, repairing the separated muscle and tightening the skin. If you’ve been feeling self-conscious about your abdomen since losing weight or giving birth, a tummy tuck may help you to feel confident again. It can also reduce the symptoms of abdominal and back pain for some mothers.

Read more about our tummy tuck procedure here.

What does the new Medicare approval mean?

The fact that this tummy tuck procedure is now Medicare-approved is important news for mothers across Australia, who now may be able to receive support via a financial rebate to cover the cost of a tummy tuck if they meet the required criteria. Medicare aid for this procedure is reserved for patients who have a muscle separation of more than 3 cm who are experiencing pain and discomfort. The approval of this procedure means that tummy tucks are now more accessible to women having these problems after child-rearing.

Want to know more about this Medicare funding for abdominoplasty? Read here.

Is a tummy tuck right for you?

If you’re thinking about undergoing a tummy tuck, it’s important to consider whether you’re a good fit for the surgery. Tummy tucks are generally for mums facing separated abdominal muscles and loose skin postpartum, as well as people who are experiencing loose skin around the abdomen after losing a lot of weight. Abdominoplasty Medicare is reserved for patients who have diastasis of at least 3cm, which means that their abdominal muscles have separated, as well as experiencing moderate pain or discomfort at the site of diastasis and/or lower back pain or urinary symptoms. You must also have tried non-surgical treatments, including physiotherapy, and you must not have been pregnant within the past 12 months. There is no minimum timeframe for the amount of time you must undergo non-surgical treatment before qualifying for abdominoplasty, but you must be able to show that you have undergone nonsurgical treatment such as physiotherapy with no substantial improvement.

Get in touch

If you’re experiencing pain, discomfort, or urinary issues post-pregnancy, a consultation with a Specialist Plastic Surgeon will assess if abdominoplasty can rectify these problems. The announcement that Medicare is now available to mums suffering from long-term postpartum pain means that help is now more accessible than ever before.

To find out more about abdominoplasties and tummy tucks, call us today on 02 9252 9262. Or book a consultation with us here.