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Five Questions to Ask Before Choosing Your Plastic Surgeon!

Plastic Surgeon Sydney

Before you choose any plastic surgeon for your plastic or cosmetic surgery, there are some very important questions that you need to ask in order to choose the best plastic surgeon for your specific needs. These questions should cover many things, like how much specialist plastic surgery training the professional has, and how many times the plastic surgeon has performed the procedure that you want to have done. According to Sydney plastic surgeon Dr Steve Merten you should also always inquire about what will happen if you are not happy with the ...
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Anaesthesia Safety: The Risks and Reassurance of General Anaesthetics

Anaesthesia Safety

Sometimes the greatest concern for cosmetic plastic surgery patients isn’t the surgery or the recovery, but rather the whole process of “going under”. In recent years, general anaesthesia has taken great comfort and safety strides, reassuring patients that they will have a safe and comfortable surgery. Modern anaesthetics are also much less likely to cause nausea, and pain management is better and safer than ever before. While general anesthetics have improved significantly over the years, there are still some concerns to address with any surgeon prior to going under the ...
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Hand Surgery: Frequently Asked Questions and General Care Tips

Hand Surgery

When hand problems occur, they can be debilitating, affecting not only the hands but also the wrists, elbows or even the shoulders. Luckily, there are many options available for individuals suffering from the pain and frustration of limited mobility as a result of common conditions such as basic injuries, ganglion cysts and carpal tunnel syndrome, among others. Because hand reconstruction is not typically thought of as a common cosmetic plastic surgery procedure, many patients have questions about the process, different options and the recovery from such a procedure. For that ...
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What You Should Know About Muscle Relaxant Injections

Muscle Relaxant Injections

Muscle Relaxant Injections also known as anti-wrinkle injections, are products that are used for many cosmetic procedures, but what is it and how does it work? What do you need to know about this product before you have this type of cosmetic procedure? Is it dangerous? Anti Wrinkle Injections for Cosmetic Procedures Cosmetic procedures that utilize muscle relaxant injections have become very popular over the last few decades, and this product can be used in cosmetic procedures that are minimally invasive. The product is injected at carefully chosen sites in ...
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Is Addiction To Plastic Surgery A Real Possibility?

Plastic Surgery

A plastic surgery addiction is a real possibility, and some individuals actually suffer from this problem. Cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery techniques make many changes in appearance possible, and these help a large number of people improve their appearances and their confidence levels. If you have psychological issues or you are trying to attain a perfect figure and appearance then you may be disappointed no matter how well these treatments may turn out. Our Plastic Surgeon in Sydney, Dr Steve Merten is aware of the plastic surgery addiction problem, and he ...
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Otoplasty: Ear Reshaping for Adults and Children

Otoplasty: Ear Reshaping

“Bat ears” is a common deformity of the ears, and is usually a hereditary problem that is passed on through generations. This type of deformity usually has two features. The first way in which the ears may appear deformed is when they protrude away from the face, thus appearing overly large, instead of being held closer to the face for a framed physique. The other way in which ears may appear deformed is when the natural curl found on the outermost part of the ear is reduced or not present. ...
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Dr Steve Merten from Pure Aesthetics, Cosmetic Plastic Surgery discusses Face & Neck Lift

Face & Neck Lift

Necklift The earliest signs of the ageing face appear in the neck. The platysma muscle (you can see this in the mirror if you clench your teeth hard) begins to lose tone and stretch. Eventually, thick muscle bands formed by the separated edges of these muscles are visible. Over time, both the skin and fat of the neck become looser and obscure the natural lines that separate the chin from the neck. In addition, loose skin and fat that once sat over the mid facial area begins to accumulate on ...
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