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02 9252 9262

Plastic Surgery




Women may have enlarged labia for various reasons, such as genetic predisposition, childbirth, aging, and hormonal changes. While labia’s come in all shapes and sizes, and there’s nothing wrong with an enlarged labia, it may nevertheless lead to self-consciousness, physical discomfort (in some situations), and emotional problems. An enlarged labia can lead to certain functional problems, such as hygiene issues, urinary tract infections, irritation while wearing tight-fitting clothes, and changes in sensation during sexual activities. Furthermore, an enlarged labia may be visible through yoga pants, swimsuits, and other body-fitting clothes. ...
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Breast Reduction

Large breasts aren’t for everyone. They can, in some cases, cause backaches, neck pain, and shoulder pains, and excess tissues can make them sag prematurely, pulling the nipples downwards. A surgical breast reduction is suitable for patients desiring smaller, more manageable breasts for aesthetic or functional purposes. A breast reduction, as the name suggests, focuses on removing excess breast tissues to reduce their overall size. This article provides an overview of breast reduction surgeries, including the techniques used, preparation, post-treatment process, and potential risks. How do I prepare for breast ...
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Breast lift procedure and the recovery process

Everyone suffers from sagging breasts at some point. Over time, your breasts lose their elasticity and firmness, which makes the force of gravity stretch the ligaments in the breasts, making them sag and droop downwards. While everyone experiences sagging breasts eventually, some experience it sooner rather than later due to pregnancy or sudden weight fluctuations. If you’re unhappy with your breasts’ shape or proportion, a breast lift can restore your youthful contours. A breast lift, also known as a mastopexy, is a surgical procedure wherein excess skin and breast tissues ...
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What are the types of brow lifts and what’s the recovery process?

Brow lift

Horizontal forehead lines, sagging skin in the forehead, drooping eyelids, and sagging eyebrows can make you look older and more unpleasant. Signs of aging on the eyebrows and forehead can give you a perpetual frown, making you seem upset and unapproachable. A brow lift is the ideal surgical procedure to correct the signs of aging on the forehead and eyebrows. It softens the forehead lines, minimizes sagging, and treats drooping eyelids, making you look alert and youthful. This procedure is often combined with a facelift, but it can also be ...
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Tummy Tuck / Abdominoplasty

Tummy Tuck

Most people strive towards a flat, well-toned abdomen with muscular outlines and contours. However, even individuals with normal body weight often struggle to achieve a flat tummy, despite their best efforts with exercise and balanced diets. You may develop a protruding or sagging stomach because of genetic predisposition, pregnancy, aging, previous surgeries, and sudden weight fluctuations. In these cases, traditional weight loss efforts can’t always provide the desired aesthetic results. An abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat tissues from ...
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Breast Augmentation

Breast Enlargement

Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures among women. As the name indicates, this procedure aims to increase the breast size by placing implants under the breast tissues. Women undergo breast augmentation for various purposes, both cosmetic and reconstructive. You may opt for the procedure if you desire larger or more proportional breasts,  or to restore your breast size after pregnancy, weight loss, breastfeeding, or other factors. This article provides a comprehensive overview of breast augmentation surgery, including breast implant materials, placement ...
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What is a ‘Post Pregnancy Reconstruction’?

The journey from pregnancy to motherhood is one of the best experiences that any woman can go through. But with the joy of becoming a mum also comes the many changes that you will go through physically, and it might affect not only how you look but also how you feel about yourself. A lot of mothers look at themselves in the mirror and see sagging breasts, some extra baby fat, and stretch marks, all of which can affect their confidence. But, if you experience any or all of this, ...
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How Does a Brow Lift Make You Look Younger?

Do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and wish you didn’t have those wrinkles and sagging in your forehead? Unfortunately, the truth is: you are not alone; millions of women feel the same. Premature ageing is, in fact, one of the most common worries for women in their early adulthood years, and it’s something that even the most expensive creams can’t solve. But then there’s a brow lift, a procedure that promises to lift your brows and forehead and make you look and feel younger. So, what exactly ...
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How to Get Rid of Jowls

Jowls are characterised by sagging skin and tissue that extend below your chin or jawline. This cosmetic concern will happen to virtually everyone as they age, due to the skin gradually thinning and losing its elasticity. While some people may have minimal jowling as they get older, others may find they have noticeable sagging in the lower face as young as their 40s. Factors such as genetics, excess sun exposure, and lifestyle habits like smoking can all contribute to the development of prominent jowls. For those unhappy with mild jowling, ...
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5 Common Liposuction Misconceptions

Many men and women struggle with unwanted fat pockets around their body, whether on their flanks, thighs, abdomen, or arms. When diet and exercise aren’t enough to contour these trouble areas, liposuction can often be a beneficial way to achieve a more toned-looking figure. Learn more about the benefits and limitations of liposuction by reading through some of the most common myths about the popular procedure. Liposuction is a short cut for weight loss. Although liposuction targets fat cells, the procedure is not intended for weight loss. The surgery is ...
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