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Overcoming Excessive Sweating: Sydney’s Top Hyperhidrosis Solutions

Blog – Non-surgical Treatments

Overcoming Excessive Sweating: Sydney’s Top Hyperhidrosis Solutions

Sydney's Top Hyperhidrosis Solutions

Excessive sweating, known as hyperhidrosis, is a relatively common condition affecting about 2 to 3% of people. Not only can it affect your underarms, but also your hands and feet and, sometimes, your scalp, neck and face. Everyone sweats when they are hot, so sweating excessively all the time can negatively impact your life both physically and emotionally. If you find yourself sweating on a cold day, you may be looking for hyperhidrosis relief in Sydney. Impact of Hyperhidrosis Hyperhidrosis can be embarrassing socially, at work, during physical activity and ...
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3 Ways to Refresh Your Look for Winter (Without Surgery)

Winter (Without Surgery)

Temperatures may be cooling down, but there is no reason your appearance can’t be heating up. A non-surgical cosmetic procedure may be just the ticket for reviving your complexion for the season. At Pure Aesthetics, we have a number of minimally-invasive options to enhance your appearance without a major disruption to your daily life. Cosmetic Injections Muscle relaxant injections are some of the most popular cosmetic treatments performed in Australia. These procedures involve the injection of a medication that relaxes the facial muscles that lead to the formation of some ...
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Fat Freezing Fact or Fad?

Fat Freezing Fact or Fad?

Fat freezing, or cryolipolysis to use the medical term for this cosmetic procedure, is a somewhat new option for body contouring and eliminating fat in unwanted areas. Does this actually work or is it just one of the latest fads though? Treatments that use this method can go by different trademark names, such as Coolsculpting, and scientific evidence has shown that it can be effective when performed properly by an experienced and trained Sydney plastic surgeon. To get ideal results you will usually require multiple cycles of treatment, and a ...
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What You Should Know About Muscle Relaxant Injections

Muscle Relaxant Injections

Muscle Relaxant Injections also known as anti-wrinkle injections, are products that are used for many cosmetic procedures, but what is it and how does it work? What do you need to know about this product before you have this type of cosmetic procedure? Is it dangerous? Anti Wrinkle Injections for Cosmetic Procedures Cosmetic procedures that utilize muscle relaxant injections have become very popular over the last few decades, and this product can be used in cosmetic procedures that are minimally invasive. The product is injected at carefully chosen sites in ...
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Is Addiction To Plastic Surgery A Real Possibility?

Plastic Surgery

A plastic surgery addiction is a real possibility, and some individuals actually suffer from this problem. Cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery techniques make many changes in appearance possible, and these help a large number of people improve their appearances and their confidence levels. If you have psychological issues or you are trying to attain a perfect figure and appearance then you may be disappointed no matter how well these treatments may turn out. Our Plastic Surgeon in Sydney, Dr Steve Merten is aware of the plastic surgery addiction problem, and he ...
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