Facelift Surgery in Australia

Facelifts are a common procedure in Australia. As common as it is, there are many facelift surgery misconceptions and myths surrounding that can lead to unrealistic expectations You may be thinking of having a facelift and may have some preconceived ideas.

Here are some facelift myths and facts to give you a better understanding of the facelift procedure Australia.

Myth 1. A Facelift gives you an Unnatural Appearance

Sadly, this myth occurs after patients have results that appear unnatural and stiff. This occurs when a surgeon does not have the training or experience to do the facelift procedure Australia. This is why you need a trained, experienced specialist plastic surgeon.

At your initial consultation, your surgeon will talk about what you want to achieve from facelift surgery Australia. Once your surgeon understands what you want, they tailor the procedure to suit your facial structure. The aim is to address the signs of ageing, such as deep creases and sagging skin.

A facelift does not only involve lifting the skin on your face. Your surgeon will tighten and reposition the underlying muscles and tissue before lifting the skin. This gives your skin the support it needs and results in a younger appearance without looking unnatural.

Myth 2. Only Older Women get Facelifts

Once upon a time facelifts were thought to be a procedure that was only for older women. Not anymore. Women of all ages and even men get facelifts these days. They have the same issue that women have—wrinkles, fatty tissue accumulated in pockets, deep creases around the nose or mouth, sagging skin around the chin or neck, or a double chin.

People are individuals and age at different rates. You can get a facelift at any age to address the early signs of ageing.

Myth 3. You need to stay in Hospital after a Facelift

It is a common myth that you need to stay in hospital after a facelift. This can lead people to believe that facelift surgery recovery Australia is a long process. Not true. Most specialist plastic surgeons perform the surgery with you as an outpatient. You can go home once you wake up and start recovering from the anaesthetic but you will need someone to drive you home. However, how long it takes to recover can depend on how many procedures you have at the same time.

Myth 4. Getting a Facelift means you will not Age

The myth that a facelift will stop you from ageing is simply not true. A facelift will rejuvenate your face and have long lasting results but it will not stop you from ageing entirely. Depending on your lifestyle, state of your skin and your age, a facelift can last for 10 years or more. Realistic expectations are important and your surgeon will talk to you about what to expect over the years.

Myth 5. Non-Surgical Methods give you the same Results as a Facelift

While non-surgical methods can give you good results, they really only target the wrinkles in your face. This means that non-surgical facelifts do not give you the same or similar results to surgery. However, the facelift surgery cost Australia is more than one session of Botox and fillers.

Botox and fillers are injectables that contain hyaluronic acid and the results last between three months and a year. Compare this to a surgical facelift which lasts for up to 10 years. You will need to keep getting the injectables to smooth out the wrinkles, where a surgical facelift targets more than just your wrinkles.

Myth 6. There is a long Recovery Time

All too often people think that it takes a long time to recover from a facelift. There are two types of facelift surgery recovery Australia—your physical recovery and the aesthetic recovery. To see the final aesthetic results will take around six weeks or more, but you should be physically back to your normal activities after a few weeks.

Myth 7. A Surgical Facelift has no Risks

Another myth is that a surgical facelift does not have risks. All surgery has some risks.

Before surgery, your surgeon will do blood tests and you will need to avoid certain medications to minimise facelift surgery risks. Your surgeon will also assess you for the likelihood of getting a blood clot after surgery and take action to mitigate any risks.

Infection is another surgical risk so your medical team does a lot of things, such as using antibacterial washes, to prevent infection. If you do get an infection, then your doctor will give you antibiotic medications.

Choosing a surgeon that is highly experienced and skilled will also help to lower facelift surgery risks.

Myth 8. All Facelifts are the Same

Facelifts are not all the same. Generally, a facelift focuses on the bottom two thirds of your face. They aim to eliminate:

  • Double chins
  • Loose and sagging skin
  • Wrinkles around your mouth and nose
  • Fat that accumulates in unwanted areas of your face.

While having a facelift, there are other procedures your surgeon can include as part of the procedure to get the best outcome. These can include a neck lift, eyelid surgery or a brow lift.

It is important to be honest about what you want to achieve with your specialist plastic surgeon. This will help them decide what will work best for you to get the results that you want.

Book an initial consultation at Pure Aesthetics to discuss what you want to achieve by having a facelift.