tear drop breast implants

Various choices need to be made in preparation for breast enlargement surgery. One of them is whether to have tear drop or round shaped implants. It is an important decision as it will affect the long-term outcome. Making an informed decision with the guidance of an experienced specialist plastic surgeon is crucial.

Tear Drop Implants: What are They?

Tear drop implants are ideal when you want a result that looks more like the naturally-sloped breast shape These are anatomical implants that mimic the shape of your breasts. They are rounded at the bottom to emulate the shape of the breast and taper off to become slim at the top. These are also known as shaped or contour profile implants.

Difference Between Tear Drop and Round Implants

The obvious difference between tear drop and round implants is the shape. Both can be filled with either silicone or saline, though tear drop implants usually have silicone which is why they are often called gummy bear implants.

When it comes down to the breast implant shapes, the tear drop implants are shaped like a teardrop. Just as the name implies, round breast implants are the same diameter from top to bottom and from side to the other side. 

If you want a result that offers a little more volume down the bottom of the breast and less up the top, tear drop implants may be the better choice. Round implants can also give a pleasing result and are suitable if you want more volume at the top of your breasts. 

Apart from the different breast implant shapes, the surface of tear drop implants has a texture. This is to stop them from moving once put in place. Round implants may have a smooth surface which makes it easier for them to move. If they do rotate, it is not noticeable; whereas, if a tear drop implant rotates, it can be quite obvious.

Consult with your specialist plastic surgeon to achieve a natural-looking breast augmentation.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Tear Drop Implants

What are the advantages and disadvantages of tear drop implants?


The main advantages of tear drop implants include:

  1. Less likely to ripple. Tear drop implants are less likely to ripple after surgery. They are firmer and fuller towards the bottom so there are unlikely to end up rippling. Round implants, while they are a good option, have a higher chance of rippling because they are less firm and their round shape.
  2. Offer a natural shape and contour. One of the most distinctive benefits of tear drop implants is their ability to achieve a natural result because of how it tapers. It results in a more natural-looking breast augmentation that matches the shape of your body. Round implants can result in giving an overly round appearance to your breasts. 
  3. Long life. Tear drop implants are known for their long life. The tear drop design resists the downward pull that can cause sagging breasts as you age and it keeps its shape for longer. Also, because the outside is textured, it prevents them from slipping downwards. This means that they retain their natural shape longer so there is less likelihood of needing replacements.


The disadvantages of tear drop implants include:

  1. Being more difficult to place during surgery because they have to fit correctly into the breast pocket.
  2. Some people find them uncomfortable because they are firmer than the round implants.
  3. It can be difficult to find the right size and shape to fit your body.

Tear Drop Implant Surgical Process

A specialist plastic surgeon will thoroughly examine you during the initial consultation. They will also discuss your goals for the surgery and talk to you about the benefits and disadvantages of each option.

The process for a natural-looking breast augmentation involves also discussing the projection, shape and size of the implants so you get the results that you want.

You will also need to decide what type of incision you want made during the surgery; for example:

  1. Peri-areola incision. The peri-areola is when the surgeon makes the incision in the areola’s centre between the nipple and the breast.
  2. Inframammary incision. The inframammary incision is the most common and your surgeon makes it in the crease of the breast. This allows the surgeon to place the implant either under or over the breast muscle. 
  3. Transaxillary incision. During a transaxillary breast augmentation, the surgeon makes the incision under the arm in the armpit. 

Your surgeon will complete the procedure with you under a general anesthetic.

What Complications Can Arise from Breast Enlargement Surgery?

Although our plastic surgeons are highly skilled and experienced, every surgery comes with risks and can potentially lead to complications. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Bruising and bleeding
  • Pain
  • Infection
  • Anaesthetic problems
  • Allergic reactions
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis
  • Scarring

The risks more specific to Breast Enlargement, which will be covered in detail during your consultation, include:

  • Capsular contracture  – hardening of the implants
  • Wound breakdown, implant infection requiring removal
  • Seroma – fluid collections around the implant
  • Implant deflation, rupture or leak of silicone material
  • Uneven results
  • Loss of nipple sensation
  • Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) – this is a newly recognised and rare type of cancer related to the capsule that forms around the implant. It is similar to some blood cancers (lymphomas) and is seen very rarely in certain types of textured-surface breast implants. This condition will be discussed with you in detail at your consultation.

To learn how to identify and respond to these possible complications, should they arise, please listen to your surgeon’s advice and ask any questions you have.

What to Consider

Tear drop implants may be a good choice for you, but you need to consider the following:

  1. Current state of your breasts and body. If your breasts are sagging significantly or they are different shapes, tear drop implants may not be suitable. They are more suited to women with larger breasts who want a more natural look. For petite individuals, these implants might appear less natural.
  2. Monitoring after surgery. You will need to monitor how your implants feel and look after surgery.While they should be stable, it is important to follow the check-up advice from your surgeon.

Making the right implant choice involves consultation with a specialist plastic surgeon and careful consideration to achieve your desired results. 

If you want more information about tear drop implants Sydney, contact Pure Aesthetics today. Make an appointment with a highly experienced and trained specialist plastic surgeon to discover your breast lift with implants options.