nipple correction sydney

Are you concerned about the appearance of your nipples? Maybe they are inverted, larger than you prefer, or have changed in appearance. If this is the case, There are surgical options available to help improve the appearance of your nipples.

Inverted Nipples: What are they?

If you have inverted nipples, they do not point outwards, instead they go inwards. There are three categories of nipple inversion:

  1. Grade 1. Grade 1 is mild nipple inversion. Your nipples will stick out a little when you stimulate them. You may still be able to breastfeed easily but some women may find it difficult.
  2. Grade 2. Grade 2 is moderate nipple inversion and it is obvious that they are not sticking out. If your nipples are noticeably inverted, you may have trouble breastfeeding without extra help.
  3. Grade 3. Grade 3 is severe nipple inversion. The nipples are deeply inverted and do not stick out even when there is vigorous stimulation. This can constrict the milk ducts making it hard to breastfeed.

What Causes Inverted Nipples?

Infection and previous surgery can cause inverted nipples, so can the following:

  • Hormones can cause your nipples to retract during breastfeeding and pregnancy. Once your hormone levels go back to normal so do your nipples.
  • Genetics can play a part in causing inverted nipples. There are genes that can affect your breast tissue such as the connective tissue surrounding the milk ducts. This can affect the length and tightness of the milk ducts which can make it more likely you will have inverted nipples.
  • When the underlying tissue and muscles around your nipples are not balanced, this can cause inverted nipples. You may have too much surrounding tissue or overly short milk ducts which will force them to retract rather than point outwards.

Inverted Nipple Correction

Different types of surgeries for inverted nipple correction includes a breast reduction, breast lift, liposuction and breast augmentation. Nipple correction surgery is suitable for women and men.

Breast Reduction for Inverted Nipple Correction

A breast reduction, otherwise known as a reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure that can address nipple inversion. It is particularly suitable if you have excess breast tissue or large breasts. The breast reduction procedure can help inverted nipples by:

  • Reducing breast tissue. During a breast reduction, your surgeon reduces breast tissue which can release the tension and pressure causing your nipples to invert. The result is that they may return to a natural position.
  • Improves support. When the breast reduction includes reshaping, it can better support your breasts. This can allow your nipples to return to a natural position after the surgery.
  • Repositioning the nipple and areola. If the nipple and areola need repositioning during the procedure, it can help to make sure your nipples do not remain inverted.

Breast Lift Procedure for Addressing Nipple Position

A breast lift may be part of nipple correction surgery planning to lift sagging nipples after having children. 

A breast lift can address nipple inversion by:

  • Tightening and reshaping the breast tissue. During a breast lift, your surgeon can tighten and reshape your breast tissue. This will provide more support to your nipples and help them to stay pointing outwards.
  • Removing excess skin. When your surgeon removes any excess skin, it can help to stop your nipples from inverting in some cases.
  • Repositioning your nipples. By repositioning your nipples and areolas during a breast lift, it is sometimes referred to as a nipple lift because your surgeon places them so they look natural afterwards.


Liposuction is a not very invasive surgical procedure to correct you nipple inversion if it is only a mild form. During the procedure, your specialist plastic surgeon makes a series of tiny incisions at the base of your areola or nipple. Ther surgeon uses a cannula to suck out the fat causing the inversion. The result is your nipples are no longer constricted so your flat nipples can now protrude. The benefits of liposuction include:

  • Treatment is localised
  • You recover quickly
  • It works well for mild cases of nipple inversion or flat nipples.

During a nipple correction consultation, Your specialist plastic surgeon will discuss whether liposuction is a suitable option for your case.

Breast Augmentation and Nipple Correction Combined

During your nipple correction surgery planning, your surgeon may suggest combining nipple correction with a breast augmentation. The procedure can restore your flat nipples and create fuller breasts. 

By combining these two procedures, your surgeon can reconstruct your nipples, or reduce the size of your nipples or areolas. This is a comprehensive approach that combines nipple correction and better breast symmetry. It also means that there is a shorter recovery time than having the two procedures separately. 

Who is a good Candidate for Nipple Surgery?

If you are wondering about your nipple surgery suitability, then you will need a nipple correction consultation with a specialist plastic surgeon. However, you will need to have realistic expectations about the outcome and be in good overall health. You may also be a good candidate if you have:

  • Nipples that are inverted.
  • Breast surgery or need breast reconstruction surgery.
  • Overly large nipples.
  • Nipples that are in different positions or are different shapes or sizes. 

You also need to understand the risks of surgery and possible complications; for example:

  • An allergic reaction to the anesthetic
  • Infection that requires medical intervention
  • The sensation in your nipples may change
  • Scarring, although it should be minimal
  • Persistent bleeding 
  • Nipples that are still inverted.

To be assessed for nipple surgery suitability, contact Pure Aesthetics. Make an appointment for a nipple correction consultation with one of our experienced specialist plastic surgeons.