Can I get my Body Back After Pregnancy or Major Weight Loss Using Plastic Surgery and Other Cosmetic Procedures?

After pregnancy or drastic weight loss it is common to develop loose skin, hanging folds of tissue, skin that sags, and areas of cellulite that can affect your confidence in how you look and lower your self esteem. There are a number of plastic surgery techniques and cosmetic procedures that can help you get your body back after you have gone through pregnancy, often called a post pregnancy reconstruction, or you have lost a considerable amount of weight. The right Sydney plastic surgeon will discuss what you hope to achieve and the best way to do this in your specific case.

Body Contouring and Post Pregnancy Reconstruction Options

The right Sydney plastic surgeon can help you determine which plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures are right for you and your body contouring or post pregnancy reconstruction goals. Some options that may be discussed include:

  • Liposuction
  • Fat Freezing
  • Tummy Tuck
  • Arm Lift
  • Breast Lift
  • Breast Reduction
  • Breast Enlargement
  • Neck Lift
  • Face Lift
  • Thigh and Buttock Lift

Which Techniques are Right for You?

The plastic surgery techniques and cosmetic procedures that are right for you may not be the same ones that are right for somebody else. Your age, medical history, goals, financial situation, and other factors will all play a role in the best techniques to use for your situation and the results that you are hoping to achieve. During the initial consultation the Sydney plastic surgeon that you have chosen should discuss the procedures that are available and help you decide which ones will give you the best possible results.

Sometimes general anesthesia should be avoided due to past complications or your medical history or current health condition. There are cosmetic procedure methods that can help minimize stubborn body fat that are non invasive and that do not require general anesthesia, like Clatuu fat freezing, but the results may not be as drastic as some traditional plastic surgery techniques like a tummy tuck or thigh and buttock lift.

How to Choose the Right Sydney Plastic Surgeon for your Body Contouring or Post Pregnancy Reconstruction

The Sydney plastic surgeon that you choose is the most important decision that you can make. You want someone who has years or even decades of experience in the plastic surgery or cosmetic procedure that you will be having. The medical professional should take the time necessary to discuss any questions or concerns that you have, and they should be willing to discuss all of your options even if they do not provide all of these services.

Eliminate any surgeon who rushes through your consultation or seems preoccupied when they are with you, they may be more concerned about the money they will make than they are about getting the best possible results for you. Ask to see before and after photos for previous patients so that you know what to expect. The right Sydney plastic surgeon will also discuss your goals to ensure that you have realistic expectations.

To find out more about this or our other cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures, please contact Pure Aesthetics on 02 9252 9262 or send us an enquiry.