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Understanding Medicare Coverage for Postpartum Tummy Tuck Surgery in Australia

Medicare Coverage for Postpartum Tummy Tuck in Australia

Tummy tuck surgery, also known as abdominoplasty, is a popular procedure for mothers seeking to followimprove the appearance or functionality of their abdomen after having children. When it comes to insurance coverage, the eligibility and extent of Medicare’s involvement can be a topic of uncertainty. In Australia, Medicare provides coverage for procedures deemed medically necessary, and the coverage for tummy tucks is limited to specific circumstances. Below, we delve into the intricacies of Medicare coverage for postpartum tummy tuck surgery, exploring the criteria for medical necessity, the history of coverage ...
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Tummy Tuck vs. Liposuction: What Is the Difference?

differences between abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) and liposuction

Even after committing to a diet and exercise program, many people are still unhappy with the appearance of their belly or abdomen. This is one of the most common complaints we hear as plastic surgeons, particularly among patients who have been pregnant or lost a significant amount of weight. If you are looking for a way to rejuvenate your abdomen, you may be contemplating the differences between abdominoplasty (commonly referred to as a tummy tuck) and liposuction procedures. Both are effective options to remove excess fat, but there is more ...
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Medicare approves tummy tuck to treat post-partum pain and discomfort

tummy tuck

For young mums who have had their first, second, or even third child, the tummy area can be a source of discomfort. Post-pregnancy tummies come in all shapes and sizes, but some women are left with weak muscles and loose skin around their bellies after giving birth. Some women also experience abdominal and back pain after pregnancy due to abdominal muscle separation, a condition called ‘rectus diastasis’. The good news is that a new Medicare-approved tummy tuck procedure (‘abdominoplasty’) will become available for eligible patients on July 1st 2022. The ...
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Women may have enlarged labia for various reasons, such as genetic predisposition, childbirth, aging, and hormonal changes. While labia’s come in all shapes and sizes, and there’s nothing wrong with an enlarged labia, it may nevertheless lead to self-consciousness, physical discomfort (in some situations), and emotional problems. An enlarged labia can lead to certain functional problems, such as hygiene issues, urinary tract infections, irritation while wearing tight-fitting clothes, and changes in sensation during sexual activities. Furthermore, an enlarged labia may be visible through yoga pants, swimsuits, and other body-fitting clothes. ...
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Tummy Tuck / Abdominoplasty

Tummy Tuck

Most people strive towards a flat, well-toned abdomen with muscular outlines and contours. However, even individuals with normal body weight often struggle to achieve a flat tummy, despite their best efforts with exercise and balanced diets. You may develop a protruding or sagging stomach because of genetic predisposition, pregnancy, aging, previous surgeries, and sudden weight fluctuations. In these cases, traditional weight loss efforts can’t always provide the desired aesthetic results. An abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat tissues from ...
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What is a ‘Post Pregnancy Reconstruction’?

The journey from pregnancy to motherhood is one of the best experiences that any woman can go through. But with the joy of becoming a mum also comes the many changes that you will go through physically, and it might affect not only how you look but also how you feel about yourself. A lot of mothers look at themselves in the mirror and see sagging breasts, some extra baby fat, and stretch marks, all of which can affect their confidence. But, if you experience any or all of this, ...
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5 Common Liposuction Misconceptions

Many men and women struggle with unwanted fat pockets around their body, whether on their flanks, thighs, abdomen, or arms. When diet and exercise aren’t enough to contour these trouble areas, liposuction can often be a beneficial way to achieve a more toned-looking figure. Learn more about the benefits and limitations of liposuction by reading through some of the most common myths about the popular procedure. Liposuction is a short cut for weight loss. Although liposuction targets fat cells, the procedure is not intended for weight loss. The surgery is ...
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Are My Post-Pregnancy Body Changes Permanent?

A woman’s body undergoes a variety of physical changes throughout the course of their pregnancy. While many of these return to their pre-pregnancy shape with time, there are certain body areas that may not look the same after having a child. Diet and exercise can often help women shed excess weight from pregnancy, but other treatments may be needed for those wanting to reverse lasting changes caused by one or more previous pregnancies. For those wanting to enhance their figure after having children, our specialist plastic surgeons at Pure Aesthetics ...
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What Will My Breasts Look Like After Implant Removal?

Breast Enlargement is one of the most popular plastic surgical procedures every year, helping numerous women achieve the fuller bust they desire. Despite it being one of the top procedures, some women eventually choose to have their breast implants removed. Common reasons for this type of breast revision surgery are typically related to cosmetic concerns, wanting to address a complication, or hoping to prevent certain health conditions. For those considering breast implant removal (also known as explantation), there is the concern of what the breasts will look like after surgery. ...
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What is Vaginal Rejuvenation? 5 Cosmetic Procedures Covered by this Term!

There are 5 main cosmetic procedures that may be performed by a Sydney cosmetic surgeon as part of vaginal rejuvenation. These are: 1. labiaplasty 2. clitoral hood reduction 3. labia majoraplasty 4. monsplasty 5. vaginoplasty 1. Labiaplasty During labiaplasty the excess skin and tissue of your labia minora are trimmed, and the incisions are sutured. This type of cosmetic surgery can relieve any discomfort or embarrassment caused by labia minora which droop and sag below the lips of the labia majora. The procedure may be performed with local anesthesia and ...
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