02 9252 9262


02 9252 9262

Non-Surgical Treatments

Neck Bands

Neck bands occur due to the ageing process and are a result of overactivity of the muscles that maintains the contours of the neck, that is the Platysma.

When this occurs, it creates a downward pressure on the jowls, resulting in a saggy jowl appearance and a running V-Shape from the top portion of the neck to its base.

Anti-wrinkle injections can be administered into the side of the neck to dramatically reduce the appearance of saggy jowls. To achieve the “Nefertiti Lift”, injections are also placed at the front of the neck as well as the sides.

The platysma is an extremely delicate muscle, and only should be treated by a professional who has had experience in this treatment.

What are the benefits of treating neck bands using anti-wrinkle injections?

  • It creates the appearance of a longer, well defined, younger neck
  • It is minimally invasive, meaning there is little or no down time
  • Anti Wrinkle injections are safe and have been tested over the years, and are proven to be effective. The vast majority of patients experience no complications
  • Walk in, walk out procedure, meaning you can be rejuvenated in less than an hour
  • Results last up to 6 months

Do you have any more questions?

Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions that you might have about using anti wrinkle injections to treat Neck Bands. Our team will be happy to address any concerns that you may have.

Before & After

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