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Eyelid Lift (Blepharoplasty) -new

Eyelid Lift (Blepharoplasty) -new

Beautiful eyes are the key to the face. Having smooth, full and fresh eyes gives an appearance of youth and vitality. At Pure Aesthetics we believe in achieving this through eyelid rejuvenation surgery, or “blepharoplasty”

“Blepharoplasty” or eyelid “lift” is a cosmetic plastic surgery operation to improve the appearance of the eyes. Blepharoplasty refreshens the eyes, by reducing loose skin, fatty bulges and “bags” and tightening the muscles around the eye, making your eyes look fresher, less tired or angry.

Signs of ageing around the eyes are a common concern and generally first appear as we enter our 30s. Many different factors attribute to ageing around the eyes such as genetics, sun exposure and lifestyle factors.

There are two types of eyelid lift surgeries which be performed together for total eye rejuvenation, or separately if there is only a single concern:

  • Upper Eyelid Surgery: Corrects heavy upper lids and loose skin draping over the upper eyelashes, as well as reducing bulging pockets of fat. In severe cases  progressive hooding of the skin can also impair vision, making it a medical consideration.
  • Lower Eyelid Surgery: Corrects protruding fat deposits and sagging skin under the eyes which makes people appear tired or aged.

Eyelid surgery is often combined with other facial surgeries, such as a facelift or brow lift, to achieve more dramatic facial rejuvenation. These various options can be discussed in a consultation with Dr Robert Knight — our experienced facial plastic surgeon —helping you achieve the results you desire.


How can this procedure help me?

Blepharoplasty rejuvenates the appearance of the eye area. The extent of improvement will vary depending on whether an Upper, Lower or Combined blepharoplasty occurs. Benefits of Blepharoplasty include:

  • Improved vision where overlying sagging skin is impairing vision
  • Improved appearance of the eye area, reducing “that tired” look
  • Reduction in wrinkles around the eye area
  • Improved self-confidence and self-esteem

The Consultation Process: What to Expect

A consultation with Dr Robert Knight, our facial plastic surgeon, is the first step when you are considering surgery and will take approximately 45 minutes. You should frankly discuss your goals and expectations about looking and feeling better after surgery. You should always keep in mind that the desired result is improvement, not perfection.

During the consultation, your surgeon will ask you a variety of questions covering everything from your current health situation to details about the physical outcomes you desire. Be prepared to talk about current medications, allergies and any past or current medical treatments.

You will receive a detailed and thorough examination of your eyes and how they relate to your face as a whole. Based on your history and examination, your best options for eyelid surgery are determined and will be discussed with you.

The recovery process and any potential complications that could arise will also be discussed. At any time, you are encouraged to ask any questions that you may have.

The Procedure: What Does it Involve?

In upper eyelid surgery:
An incision is made such that loose skin then loose muscle is removed. Excess deep fat is also removed. Fine stitches are used to close the incision

In lower eyelid surgery:

  • transconjunctal
    Transconjunctal Method: Where excess fat is the sole problem. An incision is made on the inside of the lower eyelid, leaving no scar
  • open
    Open Method: Where there is excess fat and skin. The incision is made along the lower eyelid lashes and muscle and skin of the lower eyelid are tightened. Excess skin and fat is removed. Scarring is minimal.

Will I need to be hospitalised for the procedure?

Upper eyelid surgery is a “day surgery” and takes around one hour to perform. You will be able to go home within a few hours of your procedure.

Lower eyelid lift may require an overnight hospital stay. All surgeries are performed in fully accredited facilities ensuring your safety.

Can Blepharoplasty be combined with any other procedures?

Yes. It is common to combine blepharoplasty with a facelift or browlift.

What is recovery like?

Advancements in anaesthesia over recent years has meant more comfort for patients – less pain with minimal post operative sedation and nausea and a quick recovery to “feeling normal.” The anaesthetists in my team are highly skilled and experienced in modern techniques and devoted to keeping you comfortable.

Naturally you may feel “woozy” as the anaesthetic wears off. You may feel some soreness, swelling or discomfort, but this is quite natural. You may also feel tired after surgery, but this and the soreness is normal and will last only a short while.

Immediately after your operation, you will be sitting up and the eyes will have cold packs resting on them, to reduce bruising and swelling.

If external incisions are made, fine stitches are used to close these. These are removed about 5 days after surgery. If the trans-conjunctival approach is used, there are no stitches to be removed.

The eyelids have a protective lubricating role for your eyes. After surgery while the eyelids are swollen, this function is compromised and so for a few weeks it will be necessary for you to lubricate your eyes regularly with ointment or drops.

Results: What and When?

Bruising and swelling varies from person to person – it is maximal in the first three days and usually settles over seven to fourteen days.
Scarring will gradually fade over time.

When can I resume day-to-day activities?

You should feel ready to resume your normal routine within a week. However, you are required to follow all post-operative instructions until all healing has taken place.

What complications can arise from the procedure?

As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications. These include:

  • Infection
  • Bruising, bleeding, haematoma formation
  • Scarring
  • Anaesthetic problems, including Deep Vein thrombosis
  • Allergy
  • Pain

Risks and complications specific to Blepharoplasty include:

  • Excessive skin removal leading to exposure of cornea
  • Asymmetry of eyelids
  • Prolonged dryness, itchiness or watering of the eye
  • Temporary or permanent changes in vision

The potential risks and complications of the surgery will be discussed with you in detail at your preoperative consultations.

Will this procedure leave scars?

Dr Merten carefully makes all incisions in areas that will be well concealed in your natural eyelid structure. If the Transconjunctal Method is used for Lower Eyelid Surgery, no scar will be left.

What else should I consider before having this surgery?

Emotional stability is the primary factor to be considered before any aesthetic surgery is performed. It is mostly your mental attitude and realistic expectations that determines a successful outcome. Blepharoplasty can improve your appearance and renew your self-confidence; the rest is entirely up to you.

Before deciding to have this procedure, you may want to consider your planning for the healing period. Will you need help or assistance from others? Also if you do encounter complications, it is a good idea to understand how they are typically handled so that you are fully prepared.

Any more questions?

Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions that you might have about this procedure. Our team will be happy to address any concerns that you may have.

Before & After

To protect the privacy of our patients, eyelid lift (blepharoplasty) before and after cases can be seen in our office during your consultation.


Upper Eyelid surgery attracts medicare and health insurance rebates under certain medical circumstances. In these cases, Out of Pocket expenses start at $3,000 including Surgeon, Anaesthetist, and hospital fees (where you are covered for private health insurance).

Please note, it is your responsibility to check with your insurance provider if you are covered for hospital and any associated costs.

Lower Eyelid surgery is a cosmetic procedure, as such there are no rebates from Medicare or health insurance rebates. Procedure cost starts at $10,000 including Surgeon, Anaesthetist, and hospital fees.

Reduced rates apply for combined Upper and Lower Eyelid surgery.

For an accurate price, please contact us for an appointment today.

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