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02 9252 9262

Eyebrow Lift Sydney

Procedures to reduce the visible signs of ageing and restore your youthful appearance.

Forehead/Eyebrow Lift

Brow lift surgery is a specialist procedure in facial plastic surgery that targets the appearance of the forehead. These procedures are performed by our facial surgery expert, specialist plastic surgeon, Dr Robert Knight who consults out of our Sydney city office.

Minor forehead and brow problems may be treatable without surgery, using Pure Aesthetics non-surgical treatments, however more advanced problems may require  facial cosmetic surgery.

This is achieved by a forehead or “brow-lift”, which is a surgical procedure that targets the appearance of the forehead by repositioning the forehead and eyebrows, thereby restoring their position and shape.

As we age, gravity and the reduction of collagen production in your skin allows the forehead to move downwards, creating heaviness and a drooped look around the brow area.

Commonly, patients are initially concerned because there is “crowding” of the upper eyelids, with an apparent excess of skin. Browlift surgery can elevate the brow, reduce forehead lines and lessen the frown lines situated between the eyes and nose.

Browlifts are often done in conjunction with other facial cosmetic surgical procedures to achieve a more uniform facial appearance; these include particularly blepharoplasty and facelift surgery.


What does brow lift do?

The upper third of the face can appear prematurely aged when there is a loosening of the skin of the forehead, causing forehead frown lines. As the skin loosens, the eyebrows drop, especially towards the outer sides.

Modern cosmetic surgery techniques elevate the forehead to address this.

A surgical browlift is often performed in conjunction with an eyelid reduction or as part of a full facelift.

How is a brow lift done?

Forehead cosmetic surgery or a brow lift takes place under general anaesthesia.

The most commonly used technique is “endoscopic”, where several small incisions are made above the hairline, to minimise scarring where it won’t easily be seen. This small incision technique is more popular because it results in less scarring and hair loss than the less commonly used “open” method, which has a longer incision along or within the forehead hairline.

The particular surgical technique that your Pure Aesthetics surgeon recommends will depend on many factors, such as the position of your eyebrows, the amount and quality of your forehead and upper eyelid skin, and the height of your hairline. Options include:

  • “Endoscopic” browlift: several short incisions are made above the hairline. A connected endoscope (camera) allows your surgeon to see beneath your skin during the procedure.
  • “Open” browlift: a full-length incision is made along or within your hairline. Excess skin and redundant muscle are removed, then the skin of the forehead is redraped upwards. Excess skin is then trimmed along the incision.

The surgeon reduces your ‘frown lines’ by repositioning the muscles and skin between the eyebrows and the hairline. Excess skin is then removed.

During pre-surgery consultations, your surgeon will advise you on the most appropriate brow lift procedure for your personal circumstances. You will be shown brow lift before and after photographs of past patients to demonstrate your likely results.

How can a brow lift help me?

Benefits of an eyebrow lift include:

  • Corrected position of the eyebrows as you may have had previously in life.
  • Less “crowding” of the eyes from heavy brow skin, making vision more comfortable
  • Eyebrows positioned proportionately with the rest of the face
  • Correcting low and/or assymetrical eyebrows
  • Can be combined with eyelid surgery and face and neck lift for more comprehensive facial results.

The Consultation Process: What to Expect

During the consultation, your Pure Aesthetics specialist plastic surgeon, Dr Robert Knight, will ask you a variety of questions covering everything from your current health situation to details about the physical outcomes you desire. Be prepared to talk about current medications, allergies and any past or current medical treatments.

You will receive a detailed and thorough assessment and evaluation of the brow, the degree of elevation desired and the activity of the brow muscles Based on your history, examination and surgical goal, your best options for eyebrow lift are determined.

You will also discuss the recovery process and any potential complications that could arise. At any time, you are encouraged to ask any questions that you may have.

Your second consultation will further deal with your operation choices and reiterate the possible problems and complications with reference to your specific case.

Will I need to be hospitalised for a browlift?

A browlift is performed in hospital, under general anaesthetic or twilight sedation, and takes approximately 1 -2 hours. It is an outpatient procedure, meaning you get to go home the same day, although if combined with other surgeries, such as a face or neck lift, an overnight stay may be recommended. All surgeries are performed in fully accredited facilities ensuring your safety.

What is recovery from brow lift like?

Advancements in anaesthesia over recent years has meant more comfort for patients – less pain with minimal post operative sedation and nausea and a quick recovery to “feeling normal.” The anaesthetists in our team are highly skilled and experienced in modern techniques and devoted to keeping you comfortable.

Recovery will vary depending on the type of browlift you have undergone. minimal or no dressings are used, apart from also some antibiotic ointment to apply on the incision lines to minimize infection risk. You can shower immediately after the surgery.

Sensations during recovery include tightness, numbness or itchiness, with the duration of these experiences varying between individuals and depending on the surgery technique used. One to two days of full rest are required and activity should be reduced for at least several weeks after your brow lift surgery. A seven to ten day break from work is recommended.

Brow lift Results: What and When?

You can expect bruising and swelling, which is usually worst in the first 72 hours and gradually settles over the following weeks. In general, stitches come out around 5- 10 days. A good idea of results can be seen around 6 weeks after your results, however can take up to 3-6 months to completely settle.

When can I resume day-to-day activities?

You should be ready to resume light activities after 7-10 days. Most patients return to work after about 2 weeks and are asked to refrain from strenuous activities for 6 weeks.

What complications can arise from the procedure?

As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications. These include:

  • Infection
  • Bruising, bleeding, heamotoma formation
  • Scarring
  • Anaesthetic problems
  • Allergy
  • Deep Vein thrombosis
  • Pain

Risks and complications specific to Brow Lift include:

  • Altered facial sensation
  • Scalp Itching
  • Hairline Alteration
  • Hair loss
  • Facial asymmetry
  • Facial nerve damage

The potential risks and complications of the surgery will be discussed with you in detail at your preoperative consultations.

Will this procedure leave scars?

In an open browlift, the incision is made within the hairline and hence can be camouflaged.

In an endoscopic brow lift, the multiple, small, incisions are are also made within the hairline and thus too, can be hidden. Scars can be visible if the hair is parted in a particular way, however can be avoided.

Can I combine a Brow Lift with other procedures?

In many cases, deep crease lines to the brow are a patient’s specific concern and these can be rectified by brow lift surgery alone.

However, due to the relatively non-invasive nature of both procedures today, it is common for patients to complement a brow lift with upper and lower eyelid reduction, to address the appearance of the entire upper face and prevent the need for a future, separate procedure.

A face and neck lift is often also performed at the same time as both a browlift and eyelid correction, when there is an equal spread of visible ageing over the entire facial anatomy that the patient would like to address.

Your plastic surgeon can advise on the results you can expect from individual or combined cosmetic surgery procedures, including options for non-surgical facial treatments available at pure Aesthetics, to complement  your appearance after having a single facial surgery, such as a brow lift.

What else should I consider before having this surgery?

As with all facial plastic surgery, good health and realistic expectations are prerequisites. The goal of the browlift is to improve the overall facial appearance.

You may also want to consider your planning for the healing period. Will you need help or assistance from others? Also if you do encounter complications, it is a good idea to understand how they are typically handled so that you are fully prepared.

Do you have any more questions?

Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions that you might have about this procedure. Our team will be happy to address any concerns that you may have.

Before & After

To respect the privacy of our patients, forehead/eyebrow lift before and after cases can be seen in our office during your consultation.

Schedule a consultation with our specialist plastic surgeons today. Contact Us