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02 9252 9262

Nipple Correction Surgery Sydney

Pure Aesthetics is one of Sydney's most well established Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Clinics.


Nipple Correction & Areola Reduction Surgery Sydney

Nipple correction surgery corrects problems associated with enlarged, asymmetrical, protruding or inverted nipples and can be seen in both men and women.

The nipple is made of two parts: the nipple and the areola. The nipple is the projected part and the areola is the dark pigmented skin that surrounds the nipple.

Inverted nipples is the most common nipple correction surgery. Inverted nipples are the result of an imbalance in muscle traction, where the strength of the outward muscle is weaker than the inward, which can be longer or have a stronger pull, causing the nipple to remain retracted.
Nipple correction
There are 3 grades of nipple inversion, depending on its severity:

  1. Grade 1 is whereby the nipple is inverted under the areola but can be manipulated to protrude, however reverts to its inverted state after a few minutes. Grade 1 usually does not require corrective surgery unless it is affecting your confidence and self esteem. Breastfeeding is usually possible.
  2. Grade 2 is whereby the nipple is inverted under the areola however can only be forcefully manipulated to temporarily protrude. Breastfeeding may be possible and correction involves surgery on the milk ducts.
  3. Grade 3 is whereby, even with vigorous stimulation, the nipple remains inverted. Here, the nipple remains buried in the areola and surgery is required to rebalance the muscle pull.


How can this procedure help me?

Benefits of nipple correction include:

  • Increased self esteem
  • Improved quality of life
  • Increased confidence in appearance, intimacy and general social situations

Nipple correction can be combined with other procedures such as Breast Enlargement, Breast Lift or Breast Reduction.

Will I need to be hospitalised for the procedure?

Nipple correction surgery is usually performed as a “day surgery”, meaning you go home a few hours after your procedure. It is performed under a light anaesthetic and takes up to 60 minutes.

If you prefer, you may be able to have this surgery done in our rooms under local anaesthetic. This may save costs if you do not have private health insurance.

What is recovery like?

Dissolvable stitches are used and as such do not require removal. Swelling may last for several weeks, with most patients reporting mild discomfort, which can easily be controlled with pain medication. Patients generally return to work within two days.

Results: What and When?

You will see results immediately however swelling may last for several weeks.

When can I resume day-to-day activities?

Daily activities can usually be resumed within 24-48 hours.

What complications can arise from the procedure?

As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications. These include:

  • bullet Infection
  • bullet Bruising, bleeding, heamotoma formation
  • bullet Scarring
  • bullet Anaesthetic problems
  • bullet Allergy
  • bullet Pain
  • bullet Damage to the milk ducts, that may impact on your later ability to breast feed. This depends on several factors, including what surgical technique you require, and will be discussed in detail at your consultation.
  • bullet Re-inversion of the nipple - this may happen in up to 20% of corrections, and depends on several factors, including what surgical technique you require, and will be discussed in detail at your consultation.
  • bullet Potential changes to, or loss of nipple sensation
  • bullet Nipple necrosis (death of tissue) - this is a very rare complication, however is more likely if you smoke

Risks and complications specific to nipple correction includes:

What complications can arise from the procedure?

As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications. These include:

  • Infection
  • Bruising, bleeding, heamotoma formation
  • Scarring
  • Anaesthetic problems
  • Allergy
  • Pain

Risks and complications specific to nipple correction includes:

  • Damage to the milk ducts, that may impact on your later ability to breast feed. This depends on several factors, including what surgical technique you require, and will be discussed in detail at your consultation.
  • Re-inversion of the nipple – this may happen in up to 20% of corrections, and depends on several factors, including what surgical technique you require, and will be discussed in detail at your consultation.
  • Potential changes to, or loss of nipple sensation
  • Nipple necrosis (death of tissue) – this is a very rare complication, however is more likely if you smoke

Will this procedure leave scars?

Although scars are the inevitable result of any surgery, we make every effort to keep them as inconspicuous as possible. The scars fade over time and are located in such a way as to become less noticeable as they fade.

What else should I consider before having this surgery?

Emotional stability is the primary factor to be considered before any aesthetic surgery is performed. It is mostly your mental attitude that determines a successful outcome. Nipple Correction can improve your appearance and renew your self-confidence however the rest is entirely up to you.

Due to its effects on breastfeeding, we strongly advise to consider the importance of breastfeeding for you.

Any more questions?

Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions that you might have about this procedure. Our team will be happy to address any concerns that you may have.

Before & After

Coming soon.

What does Nipple Correction Cost?

Nipple correction surgery for inverted nipples attracts Medicare and health insurance rebates.

Out of Pocket expenses start at $1,400 including Surgeon, Anaesthetist, and hospital fees (where you are covered for private health insurance).

It may be suitable to do your surgery under local anaesthetic in our rooms if you prefer this ordo not have private health insurance

Please note, it is your responsibility to check with your insurance provider if you are covered for hospital and any associated costs.

For an accurate price, please contact us to schedule your consultation.

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