02 9252 9262


02 9252 9262

Why Choose a Plastic Surgeon

Why Choose a Plastic Surgeon

Plastic surgeons can help you address changes that you wish to make in your appearance in a variety of ways. The field has advanced tremendously in recent years and continues to do so.

Due to their broad range of extensive surgical techniques and innovative solutions, plastic surgeons can provide solutions for many difficult reconstructive and aesthetic problems. Additionally, plastic surgeons also have a more comprehensive view of the human body and stand as the experts and pioneers in both cosmetic and reconstructive surgery.

A Plastic Surgeon is a recognised specialist surgeon who has successfully completed the intensive training program of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) in plastic surgery. At the completion of the RACS training, which is a minimum of 8 years on top of their medical degree, the doctor achieves the qualification award – “F.R.A.C.S.” (Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons).

Only qualified Plastic Surgeons can then become a member of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and the Australian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS).

It is important to note that many doctors who advertise themselves as cosmetic surgeons in Australia are not plastic surgeons. These cosmetic doctors are not necessarily surgically trained or qualified. Be on the lookout for FRACS after your surgeon’s name, which ensures that they are a qualified ‘specialist’ plastic surgeon. When considering any cosmetic or plastic surgeon, we recommend you check their credentials with these organisations:

A skilled, experienced and qualified plastic surgeon can help you in many different ways. It is, however, of extreme importance that you make sure that any surgeon you are considering is one that is indeed recognised in the field and has a proven track record of success, dedication to their field and, of course, dedication to his or her patients.

Schedule a consultation with our specialist plastic surgeons today. Contact Us